– Standard Edition is the essential office suite for word processing, spreadsheets, presentations and email. Chosen over Microsoft® Office by millions of longtime users, it integrates the latest productivity software with the best of the Web. Work faster and collaborate more efficiently with all-new Web services, new Microsoft® Office SharePoint® support, more PDF tools and even better compatibility with Microsoft Office. It's everything you expect in an office suite—for less. Do more online and off with WordPerfect Office X5—
- Work with Microsoft® Office users. Easily open, edit and create Microsoft® Word, Microsoft® Excel® and Microsoft® PowerPoint® files.*
- File Compatibility. Open new and old files with broad support for over 60 file formats, including current open standards such as OOXML and ODF. In fact, open older Microsoft files that even Microsoft Office 2007 can't open.
- Choose Your Work Environment. Are you new to WordPerfect Office? Use the Workspace Manager to automatically adopt the familiar keystrokes and menus of Microsoft Office.
- Open Document Format (ODF). Open and edit ODF word-processing files, the ISO-standard for storing and archiving documents.
- Windows Vista® and Windows® XP Support. Work with the latest Microsoft operating systems.
- More Built-in PDF Capabilities. Adobe® Acrobat® not required. Turn your documents, spreadsheets and presentations into PDFs to share with anyone — without having to download or buy additional software.
- PDF Import. Access and reuse PDF content directly in WordPerfect X4 Standard or Pro edition. Simply import the PDF, work with the text and graphics, then save the file to a wide variety of formats*.
- New! Import Image-Based PDFs. With WordPerfect Office X4 Standard and Pro editions, you can easily reuse text by converting PDF files - even scanned, image-based PDFs - into editable text.
- New! Password Protection. Control who can view, copy, edit or print your work by adding a password to a PDF you create in WordPerfect Office X4 Standard, Pro or Home & Student edition.
- New! Tagged PDF Support. Ensure that the PDFs you create in WordPerfect Office X4 Standard, Pro or Home & Student edition can be read by devices for the visually impaired, meeting government accessibility standards.
- New! Support for PDF/A. Easily archive files to meet ISO standards. PDF/A, the de facto archiving format, is a subset of PDF that excludes features that are not suited to long-term archiving, such as external document linking.
- PDF File Size Options. The PDFs you create in WordPerfect Office X4 Standard, Pro or Home & Student edition can be output to a variety of media, including the Web, email or print. Tailor file size and printing resolution options to best suit the platform on which your work will be viewed.
New and enhanced features
• PDF tools – create, mark up and share PDFs right from the suite
• SharePoint Server – connect as a group to collaborate efficiently
• Web services – automatically update documents with data from the Web
• Integrated Thunderbird® email – manage email, contacts and appointments
• Digital notebook – take notes, and reuse text and graphics from any source
• Redesigned Help system – quickly find answers and resources
• Windows® 7 support – work with Microsoft's latest operating system

System Requirements
Windows® 7, Windows Vista® or Windows® XP with latest service packs and critical updates installed (32-bit and 64-bit editions)
660 MB hard disk space
256 MB RAM
466 MHz processor
800 × 600 monitor resolution (1028 x 768 or higher recommended)
CD-ROM drive
Mouse or tablet
OS : Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7
sumber :http://myegy.com/

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